Black Drongo
Black Drongo also known as King Crow, a wholly black bird with a distinctive forked tail measures 28cm in length. This was named King Crow in 1928 by Hugh Whistler, an English police officer and ornithologist in India. Black drongo a common resident breeder prefers open areas such as forests, wetlands, grasslands etc are found mostly perched on a bare perch or electrical and phone wires. Black Drongo was earlier considered to be subspecies of Forked- tailed Drongo but is now recognized as a full species.
Black Drongo famous for its aggressive nature are known to be enthusiastic mimics, they are capable of producing fake calls specially the usual of titu-titu, a two note call quite similar to that of Shikra (bird of prey) sometimes to rob or prey other birds or to wade off some. They also eat insects, termites, bees, butterflies, dragonflies, ants and at times bats.
A day at a forest in Hyderabad, on a cloudy breezy and rainy evening with insufficient light, I did get to see these and managed to capture this shot.
Scientific Classification:
Scientific Name - Dicrurus macrocercus
Family: Dicruridae
Phylum: Chordata
Order: Passeriformes
Genus: Dicrurus
Species: D. macrocercus
Rank: Species
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