

 DamagedToPurpose - Broken But Beautiful

I believe there are things which though broken can shine out more beautiful and stronger ,  here i get my story behind one such version.

Three Headed Terracota Stand



Horse Planter Terracota

Tortoise Terracota

When you know you are born crazy and can have any random thoughts reaching you, do you flow with those thoughts then? Read out one such craziness i have gone to, its been long and i kept flowing to every corner with the waves where life was taking me to. So in this running fast paced life staying in one box which though i liked being in wanted to reach out the other boxes of my interests too. Its just like seeing the life from your own box of interest. This is then the waves calmed down with the thought that has just hit my head, I opened my eyes... hold on no i didn't jump out the box in flowing waves,i directed these waves and sailed to the favorite corner of my life, the corner where time is all mine to get drowned in things i love to do. Its fun to be sailing at every corner with various interest and exploring life by molding the box accordingly.

Alright so where are we... umm yes the thought that hit my  head, this was the very thought of getting the damaged idols home, did this just land your mind into umpteen thoughts? well then let me throw some light on this. I a day ran into this thought and immediately headed to a place at the roadside where handmade idols are sold, the idols which some talented people shape it with mud and lots of effort. No i wasn't there to buy those instead i was there to buy the damaged ones that which broken are thrown away, when these were useless to many it was for me of a beautiful purpose. I received a surprise look from them on asking for it and they wondered on it and asked me why and of what use could those broken pieces be to me. The look continued 
and there came a person out from them telling "We ourselves throw these and is of no use why are you then looking for this" also he added - "There are n number of good idols you can look for".  To stop their flowing queries i added yes obviously its of no use to me too, just that wanted to do some experiment on those and i too will end up throwing those so please let me have a look at it and will pick few. Finally they agreed to it and going ahead purchased some of broken pieces and carried it home. 

How do you feel when you see a new born one? to me it was just the same adding a new version to these idols to shine in vibrant colors. Colors do holds the power of  getting the happiness travel from a thing to person. 

Let me walk you down the parts of damagedtopurpose to see the real intention for getting those broken pieces, also  to see what all damaged idols did i pick from there and how did i turn it in by painting. 

Three Headed Elephant Terracota Stand  

Broken idols painted and  put together

The heading might have put you into a quandary  three or four?, only if you are well known with this terracota stand... Well if that might have then let me tell you its actually a four headed terracota stand. But then why did i name it as three headed as i got it three headed damaged piece from the people who sell this.

The complete stand was initially broken in three parts and further with each part again broken and without any paint over, just made of mud. I got these and molded into a single stand one above the other and arranged a bottom stand which painted yet in three other different colors to place the moulded stand over.

Guess the bottom stand?
Let me start with the bottom stand for terracota, as you can see the pic attached has a stepped stand below.. anyone reading this any guess on how did i make this stand?  Let me answer this post to having the guesses out.

Terracota Stand, Rounded plate and plant

I painted the damaged three headed elephant terracota stand and have chosen a place where i could hide the damaged corner facing it towards the wall, can you now find it it anyway broken or not fitting to this corner? The rounded plate at the top of  terracota stand is detached and the connection between two is broken. After coloring the plate i placed it over the 3 headed elephants and its still broken but seems as if it was never detached and remain to look incomplete without each other. To add something at the top of this I  purchased a small flower pot and placed a indoor plant in it to top over the terracota stand. The indoor plants gets along a magical positivity around, i am sure you would agree to this. Please do share your thoughts if the color combination and the plant at top went down well with you or not?

Tortoise Terracota

The tortoise has no stand and cannot stay still on its own, i did here arrange a stand for it. This stand is from my collections of box of things carried along from so long years. This is the best part of being into Aquarius zodiac. This stand is one of the sets from a soup bowl which i have never used for anything but then just kept it very close because i loved them as it makes me walk down to the refreshing childhood memories each time i see. I felt this was overshadowing the whole terracota stand so i have placed it to another corner beside a buddha fountain - this again has its own story which i will take it to another post. So this turtle is all set. I used this to place fresh flowers everyday floating on water within which gets a great aroma along. Do let me know if you liked this small part at this corner and the flowers within.

Ganesha Idol 

As the picture below says it all a before clicked pic which i got home, i have given a new version to this by adding vibrant colors and filled some parts in golden and silver. I made a artificial flower sit at the broken place at right corner.

Krishna Idol

I painted this with vibrant colors and placed it in balcony beside money plant and to covered up the broken part letting the money plant right between hands.

Before pic

Horse Planter Terracota

This is planter with one side wheel broken and have placed it on the soup black cup. I painted this and placed a indoor plant in it.

Before Pic

Terracota setup for decoration!!

I do use this whole set up at times for the decoration specially while festival times, have a look at the picture attached above to how did i put it along with the other things and got the festival mood on. Also would like to put down one more fact from this pic, the marble temple in the pic - have got it plain and painted this too.

So here is how i have loved painting on damaged canvas. Its fun painting, then no matter its on the proper canvas or broken ones.

Stay tuned to get along with my journey of painting and please do like, share and let your valuable thoughts reach out me.

Hope you liked it!!

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