
React Native set up in MacOS from scratch

React Native set up in MacOS from scratch

Looking ahead to start up React Native from Scratch on MacOS and how to run on simulators so lets dive in to achieve this

Step1 : Installing  IDE 

Download Visual Studio

Install open and create the first app 


Create your first app as below or can later import the react native project which we will be creating in react native 

Android Studio

Step 2:  Installing Dependencies

(i) Enter the below command in your terminal to install HomeBrew 

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

HomeBrew Install

HomeBrew Installed

(ii) Enter the below command to install node and watchman 

brew install node

brew install watchman

install watchman and node

(iii) Enter the below command to install android platform tools 

brew cask install android-platform-tools

Install android-platform-tools

(iv) Enter the below command for installing cocoa-pods 

sudo gem install cocoapods

Install Cocoapods

Step 3: Creating a new react native app 

(i) Open Visual Studio Code and click open folder to open the folder from your system where you need to place all your react native apps to

(ii) Select New Terminal from Terminal option from the top bar

npm install -g react-native-cli react-native

npx react-native-community/cli

(iii) Create your first project entering the below command 

npx react-native init FirstProject 

npm install 

(iv) There are two things you need to verify before starting the app 

(a) First Verify if exist under android folder of the created app 

If its missing then create file in android folder of your app and then add below line in it

## This file is automatically generated by Android Studio.
# Do not modify this file -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE ERASED!
# This file should *NOT* be checked into Version Control Systems,
# as it contains information specific to your local configuration.
# Location of the SDK. This is only used by Gradle.
# For customization when using a Version Control System, please read the
# header note.

Path to find Android SDK :

Open Android Studio get the Android SDK Location from 

Android Studio -> Preferences -> Appearance & Behaviour -> System Settings -> Android SDK 

Here you can copy the path provided in the box next to Android SDK Location and add to your file as such 


(b) Check the version of distribution url in gradle-wrapper-properties 



If the version is 6.2 change it to 6.3 

Step 4: Run your app in Android and iOS 

(i) Run your first React Native App in Android

Make sure you have connected the android device or created a virtual device and opened the emulator from your Android Studio to run the app in 

Enter the below command

npx react-native run-android 

and the app launches in your emulator or the connected device 

(ii) Run your first React Native App in iOS

Enter the below command

npx react-native run-ios

and the app launches in iphone 

Here is the first React Native App launched in both Android and iOS

First React Native App

Stay tuned to my posts  and do share your valuable thoughts if any queries or you would like to share anything on this topic in the comment section and please do like and share my post if this was helpful.

Hope this helped you!!

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