
ReactNative DatePicker

 ReactNative DatePicker

Install the date picker using below command 
npm i react-native-modal-datetime-picker @react-native-community/datetimepicker
import DateTimePickerModal from "react-native-modal-datetime-picker";

Place the DatePickerModal in view as provided in the below code which has following properties 

isVisible - visible when required to select the date 
minimumDate - to restrict the user from selecting the date before the provided date i.e the user can select only dates ahead of minimum date.
onConfirm - once the date is selected from picker, fetching the selected date and modifications to it can be done in this.
onCancel - close the picker once you got the required date selected 

How to format the selected date?

npm i --save moment 
import moment from 'moment'

You can find the complete source code here 

Stay tuned to my posts  and do share your valuable thoughts if any queries or you would like to share anything on this topic in the comment section and please do like and share my post if this was helpful.

Hope this helped you!!

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    1. Glad that it is helpful. Thanks for liking it :)
